Where to Find and Buy Bitcoin
Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency, a form of electronic cash. It is a network that does payment through digital money. The transaction is peer-to-peer without the interruption of middlemen. As the transactions occur without middlemen, there is no brokerage fee. This makes the transaction transparent between the buyer and seller. Bit coin has emerged successfully in a relatively short period of time....
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What is “network ID” and “host ID” in IP Addresses?
Initially in 1980 IP address was divided into two fixed parts NID=8 bit and HID=24 bit. NID (Network ID) represents the entire network for a specified host. HID (Host ID) represents a specified user IP address within the network. So there are only 28 i.e., 256 networks are available and there are 224 i.e., 16M hosts per network. If even a small organization wants to purchase a network then it should buy one network in which there are 16M hosts that can be connected this is the drawback of this fixed representation of IP address....
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Cognizant Internship Interview Experience for GenC | On-Campus 2020
Due to the ongoing pandemic situation, all the rounds were online. They were offered a 3-6 month full-time internship at Cognizant before permanent employment. They are hiring for two roles Genc and Genc Next. Selection in the Genc Next is from the same test, but you need to score 80% and above correct questions in Automata Fix....
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How to Prepare For GATE CSE For Non-CSE Student [2025]
The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is one of the reputed technical exams in India. Every year 7 Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and the Indian Institute of Science IISc conduct exams that lead to admission to M.E, M.Tech, Ph.D., and other PSUs. It consists of a 100-mark paper which consists of 65 questions. It is being conducted once a year and the eligibility criteria is a 3rd-year student and above....
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Guided Ordinal Encoding Techniques
There are specifically two types of guided encoding techniques for categorical features, namely – target guided ordinal encoding & mean guided ordinal encoding....
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Concatenate images using OpenCV in Python
To concatenate images vertically and horizontally with Python, cv2 library comes with two functions as:...
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Bitonic Sorting Network using Parallel Computing
Sorting networks are comparison networks that always sort their inputs. They are also known as comparison networks. Comparison networks consist of wires and comparators. Wires are responsible to transmit value from one node to the other and a comparator is responsible to compare two inputs to produce 2 outputs....
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Inline Functions in MATLAB
Inline functions are those functions that are defined in one line, also called one-liner for the same reason. In MATLAB there are two types of inline functions, inbuilt and user-defined. Let’s take a look at both of them....
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Parameters for Feature Selection
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What is Arduino?
So you might have heard about Arduino from your friends at school or on the internet, it seemed quite exciting, but you don’t know where to start, fret not as this article will let you know the basics of getting started with your shiny new Arduino....
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What is a Computer?
The computer is an electronic device that is used to generate the output as per the user’s input in a fast, efficient, and effective manner. It performs a sequence of operations, which is operating under the control of instructions stored in its memory. All these instructions will govern the machine....
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Internet of Things and careers in IoT
The word Internet of Things (IoT) is made up of two main parts- Internet which is the backbone of connectivity and Things meaning objects or devices. IoT is a network in which all physical objects like mechanical and digital machines, interrelated computing devices, animals or people are connected to the internet through network devices or routers and exchange data. IoT allows objects to be controlled remotely across existing network infrastructure. IoT allows autonomous control of device. For Example-Switching on or setting the temperature of your AC from a remote location. (In this way another “Thing” is connected to the internet.)....
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